NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 20, 2018 — Drs. Tarun and Rupa Jolly of Tarun Jolly Enterprises contributed a record-setting $3 million donation to the Isidore Newman School’s newly unveiled 30,000-square-foot science and technology building. The new space, which will be called the Rupa and Taron Jolly Science and Technology Building, cost a total of $15 million and features state-of-the-art facilities for middle and upper school science programs with a focus on STEM education.

The Smithsonian Science Education Center estimates that 2.4 million STEM jobs went unfilled in 2018 due to a lack of qualified candidates and a rapidly-growing demand in the industry. The Jollys are hopeful that their Isidore Newman School donation will help prepare New Orleans students for roles in this thriving industry. The building includes nine classroom laboratories and whole floors dedicated to life sciences, applied chemistry and physics and design. Students can also use a Makerspace, with tools available for fabrication and engineering projects. Currently, the Isidore Newman School offers Advanced Placement courses in biology, chemistry, environmental sciences and physics, anatomy, genetics and other elective courses that will be offered in the facility.

“As medical practitioners and entrepreneurs, Rupa and I believe strongly in the power of science education to fuel innovation and improve lives,” said Tarun Jolly, M.D.

As a local entrepreneur and physician, Dr. Tarun Jolly has invested in Greater New Orleans-area businesses across multiple industries, including healthcare, outpatient treatment, real estate and hospitality. He also serves on the Board of Directors at the Isidore Newman School, as well as the Dean’s Advisory Board for Tulane School of Public Health and the Advisory Board for New Orleans Bionnovation. His wife, Dr. Rupa Jolly, is a dental surgeon and the owner of NOLA Dental Care in New Orleans’s Central Business District. The Jollys also have two children who attend the Isidore Newman School.

Learn more about the investments and business ventures of Tarun Jolly Enterprises by visiting or by contacting their office directly at 504-324-2155. Interested parties may also visit the offices of Tarun Jolly Enterprises at 643 Magazine Street, Suite 402, New Orleans, La. 70130.

Tarun Jolly Enterprises invests in New Orleans area businesses and brings local innovators and investors together through the Emerging Healthcare Collaborative, which is focused on advancing technology in the healthcare industry. In addition to providing educational resources and contributing to discussions on healthcare and entrepreneurship, Tarun Jolly, M.D. also provides lectures and medical trainings on pain management and the opioid epidemic.